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Could AI really make random working emails?

Well yes and no, I have tried to make over 1000+ emails, and I can confirm some do work, but most of them are just inactive or not valid, so the short answer is yes, but will it be efficient? Let's say you start to generate 1000 emails, and maybe, if you are lucky, 50 of the 1000 emails you just made might work. Did you just waste your time? No, not really, because it probably took you less than 5 minutes to generate them. Would I recommend it to someone? Well, no, but if you are like me, you are going to try it anyway, and it could be a fun learning experience, so why not give it a shot? Maybe my list was just crap, or maybe I gave it the wrong input anyway. I hope that I did inform anyone who was searching for this with enough information. I wish everyone good luck and enjoy trying new things with AI. Jamie,
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